The Gold Industry Group will launch its #heartofgold Discovery Trail in Perth in 2017. The virtual gold trail will provide a fun and interactive way for the community to connect with the importance and history of gold, which remains at the heart of our nation today.
Golden Eagle Nugget. Photo Credit Museum Victoria.
This long-term community engagement initiative announced at Diggers & Dealers in 2016, will engage millions of students, families and tourists alike. The #heartofgold Discovery Trail will take you on a gold treasure hunt from Elizabeth Quay to The Perth Mint as you discover the rich history and importance of WA's gold industry. This interactive trail will include audio, video, photos and games that will take you on a journey of discovery from the beginnings of a town built on gold.
Diggers Brooch. Photo Credit Dorothy Erickson.
A sculpture of the famous “Golden Eagle” nugget, one of the largest gold nuggets to be found in Western Australia, will mark the start of the trail in Elizabeth Quay. Pop-up, interactive gold prospecting activities will take place throughout the year and lesson plans for primary and secondary school students will be developed and introduced into the Australian Curriculum. This initiative, including other gold trails, are proposed for other areas of Australia.
The discovery of gold in Australia carved the way for an industry that has significantly contributed to the growth and development of the nation. The Heart of Gold Discovery Trail will tell that important story.
The Perth Mint
What will you learn about on the gold trail of discovery?
The common uses for gold in the world today including jewellery, finance, electronics, dentistry, medicine, aerospace, awards and food
The story of the "Golden Eagle" nugget found in a hole in the road weighing 32.3kg
WA's biggest gold rush - set off with Paddy Hannan's discovery of gold in Kalgoorlie
The prestigious "Diggers Brooch"
The history behind Ye Olde London Court!
How to be a prospector
The Old Treasury Building and gold's significant economic contributions - as the sixth largest export industry in Australia, the gold industry is valued at $16 billion
The 50,000 Australians employed nationally, directly and indirectly
What it means to be the world's second largest producer after China, with Western Australia accounting for more than 70% of the nation’s overall gold production
How people travelled to the Goldfields in the 1890's
Premier John Forrest and the Goldfields pipeline
The Supreme Court's dealings with disputed ownership of gold mines, gold stealing and compensation
The importance of Aboriginals in gold prospecting and teaching vital skills such as finding water, mineralisation and tracks
The Great Depression and the first World War
The role of women in mining
And more!
Gold is a significant part of the history of our state and our nation, and is vital to our future. By leading community initiatives, the Gold Industry Group can positively influence future generations and continue the legacy of gold in Australia.
By educating the wider community about the contribution and value the gold industry brings to society, we can build a strong, connected and sustainable gold industry.
Register to attend our launch event! For more information and sponsorship opportunities contact Executive Officer Rebecca Johnston at
Thanks to our sponsors The Perth Mint, Gold Fields Australia, Ramelius Resources, Mining Education Australia and the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
#heartofgold Discovery Trail Map
#heartofgold Discovery Trail Launch Video